WE ARE CONQUERORS! – World of Warcraft: Warlords of Dreanor

Eleven years and still going strong, World of Warcraft a Blizzard Entertainment iconic MMORPG is back again with its’ fifth expansion, ‘Warlords of Draenor’. With over 7.1 million subscribers it now holds the Guinness World Record as the most popular MMORPG. The reason for this massive fan base is simple. Terrific art, great game mechanics and game play, exceptional story line, countless friendship among players and excellent services.

With the launch of Warlords of Draenor, millions of players rush to experience this long awaited release. The servers were jam pack with players, requiring queuing time up to several hours. It was definitely worth the wait.


Warlords of Draenor incorporated many changes such as readjustment of stats, scale down of the sets of skills and abilities available to each specialization and reengineering the characters’ feature to a 3D model. This may require a little getting used to but henceforth the smaller and more reasonable stat numbers makes calculating stats and choosing gears way more stress-free. Initially, it was not satisfying to find that some of your favorite skills or ability is no longer available to your specialization but with the reduction of it, the action bars are now less complicated and less crowded.  The 3D character features are at the moment still a bit disorganized, however updates are already being planned and it would be great to see how World of Warcraft counterbalance its aged graphics with its ever improving exhilarating adventures.

In this expansion some slight improvements has made it more convenient for the players. Raw items such as herbs, ores, leathers, and cloth can now stack up to a hundred which greatly reduces the space needed for storage in comparison to the previous stack of twenty. Allowing reagents to be used straight from the bank is also a great change and saves bag space and time to collect from the bank each time it is needed. Reorganizing of bags is now unnecessary with the ability to label bags and to specify the items that goes into them. Quest items now go into a separate inventory and this is a huge plus without the frustration of the limited bag space.

The game play has incorporated new mechanics beyond the original ‘kill and collect reward’ style making it much more interactive. The dungeon and raid difficulties are also now automatically adjusted to suit the number of players to satisfy different groups of players. Warlords of Draenor’s other new feature is the addition of the Garrison. This allows the player to build up their personal fortress allowing each player to customize and choose buildings and NPC to join their ranks. The choice is to suit their preference of PVP, PVE or role playing, as well as the player’s professions. The garrison also provides the player unique sets of special stats or ability in certain maps depending on the choice of buildings selected.

Warlords of Draenor has definitely brought a crisp breath of fresh air to World of Warcraft. This bodes well that the World of Warcraft has still much more to offer.

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