Computer, Console, Video Games, Cosplays and MORE…

Hi, this blog I am writing is centred around games, particularly computer games to console games to video games and its related stuff like cosplays or gaming convention or even the people or developer of the gaming industries. As I am sure most youngsters these day have played video games of at least one types, especially when waiting for busses or bored and alone. Can you guess which type is it? It is the casual games on your phone or tablets, which happen to be always around when you need to pass time.

Generally the gaming community like to separate videos games into 2 category, the serious/hardcore and the casual. The categories are usually by the genre, the time and effort in mastering the game and the age group of audience they attract.

The Casual:

Casual games are simple games where audience of any age group from young to old can easily pick them up and play them. They usually contain simple gameplay and rules that are easy to follow. These games tend to be puzzle and family genre that may resemble family card games to trivia games. It’s well known that casual games typically requires little to no long term commitment or required to a player to master special skills. Games like Candy Crush and Plant vs Zombies are example of casual games.

The Serious/Hardcore:

Serious/Hardcore games on the other hand has an age group of pre-teen to and older audience. These game typically requires more investment of time which has a learning curve that minimally requires the players to master some skills to a certain degree to be able to enjoy the game. Real-time strategy(RTS), Multiplayer Online Battle Arena(MOBA) and First-Person Shooter(FPS) games. Games like Starcraft II and Counter-Strike are primary example of serious/hardcore games.

So which gamer are you?

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